The term ‘impacted tooth’ refers to a tooth that was supposed to erupt yet hasn’t. As a result, the tooth can get trapped in the gums. Most commonly, impaction occurs with wisdom teeth, but the truth is any tooth can become impacted. So what exactly happens if you have an impacted tooth? Turn to your dentist in Lawrenceville.
The good news is that an impacted tooth doesn’t necessarily always require treatment. If the tooth isn’t causing trouble and there is no concern for the neighboring teeth, your dentist in Lawrenceville may recommend leaving it alone. However, in cases where treatment is recommended, solutions can vary from orthodontics to extraction. Each situation is different, and the best impacted tooth treatment for you will depend on your specific needs.
In most cases, an impacted tooth occurs because there isn’t enough room in the mouth for a new tooth to erupt. This is common when children lose baby teeth and the adult teeth are trying to pop through the gums. It’s also very likely to occur with wisdom teeth later in life. The jaw may be too small to accommodate additional teeth, or the teeth may already be overcrowded. Teeth that are growing sideways or at weird angles can also become impacted.
Even though an impacted tooth sounds like a painful condition, the truth is many times a fully impacted tooth won’t have any symptoms. Partially impacted teeth, however, can exhibit some of these common signs:
Now, it’s important to know the signs of an impacted or partially impacted tooth so you can seek treatment. However, seeing your dentist in Lawrenceville twice a year for preventive exams and checkups can usually help spot a potential impaction early before there’s trouble.
If treatment for an impacted tooth is recommended, it’s for a good reason. Occasionally complications can occur with impacted teeth, such as:
News of an impacted tooth can be concerning for anyone, but don’t worry, there are plenty of treatment options that relieve any symptoms that you have and give you a smile you’re proud of. If you are experiencing signs of an impacted tooth or partially impacted tooth, we recommend scheduling an appointment with your dentist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.