Lawrenceville Dental Blog

What To Do If You Break A Tooth On The Weekend?
added on: July 29, 2023

Breaking a tooth can be a distressing experience, especially if it occurs on a weekend when your dentist may be closed or if you’re away from home on vacation. However, it’s crucial to know what steps to take to manage the situation effectively and minimize further damage. Your dentist in… Read More…

What Are Some Habits That Are Bad for Teeth?
added on: May 26, 2023

So much more goes into maintaining a healthy smile besides brushing and flossing your teeth and seeing your dentist in Lawrenceville, although those are certainly important. Everything from what we eat and drink to our everyday habits can impact oral health. In fact, there are many habits that are bad… Read More…

What’s Causing Your Tooth Pain?
added on: December 29, 2020
Lawrenceville Smiles in Lawrenceville, NJ

Toothaches can happen at any time and they can happen to anyone. But that doesn’t necessarily make having a toothache feel any better. When it comes to finding out what’s causing your tooth pain, and how to treat it, there are few steps you can take. However, please note if… Read More…

De-stress and Protect Your Oral Health
added on: April 27, 2020

During these times of change and uncertainty, it’s only natural to feel stressed out. After all, we’ve all been thrust into staying at home and figuring out our new, temporary norm. Your dentist in Lawrenceville understands. We’re in this together, and we’d like to help by talking about how stress… Read More…

Dental Emergencies vs. Non-Emergencies
added on: April 15, 2020

As of March 18, 2020, the American Dental Association has recommended a nationwide postponement of all elective dental procedures and encouraged dentists to provide emergency services only. But how do you determine the difference between a dental emergency and a non-emergency? The ADA is helping out there, too and released… Read More…

What’s The Most Dangerous Sport for Teeth? (You’re Going to Be Surprised!)
added on: September 25, 2019

It’s always good to get out and get some exercise. When you’re participating in any sport, your dentist in Lawrenceville will always remind you to protect your smile. All too often, we talk about avoiding sweets or sports drinks, food, and beverages that can damage your enamel and break down… Read More…

How to Stop a Toothache
added on: September 27, 2018

Nobody ever wants to experience the pain and discomfort of a toothache. But the truth is, toothaches can happen to anyone, and they can come without warning. While the best way to treat a toothache is to see your dentist in Lawrenceville as quickly as you can, there are some… Read More…